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Updated: Mar 19, 2019

To create the fusee profile I disconnected the cross slide from its lead screw, to allow the groove cutter to precisely follow the profile of the fusee. It took about twenty passes (turning the lathe with arm power) to get the correct depth on the fusee groove.

Cutting off raw stock in the power hacksaw

Fusee blank marked out, ready for turning to shape.

Fusee blank machined to size

Machining the fusee arbor

Machining the fusee profile to final size

Fusee shape development

Manual set up for cranking the lathe for fusee grooving (with cross slide disengaged from lead nut)

First pass of grooving operations

Fully formed fusee groove

MIlling the winding square to size (wth 1 degree taper)

Finished turning operations

Cross drilling the fusee for wire passage

Drilling a slot for wire knot

Machining the ratchet with custom made / ground fly cutter

Parting off one of the ratchet wheels

Finished components

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